who am i.

Born in Brookhaven, New York and currently traveling the country. David first picked up photography as an elective in high school because he just needed the extracurricular activity to graduate and figure photography would be fun since he already was getting into the arts with his music. While he thought he was just getting credits he was realizing more and more how much he loved the adventure that came with the creative process of capturing the moment in a photo. He started in a dark room with his first Canon SLR (yes the old film camera) before graduating to a digital DSLR many years later. The funny thing is he thought he wasn't very good and it wasn't until a school nurse who worked at his high school asked if he could print out one of his photos so she could hang it up in her home. He realized that maybe there was something there since someone other than his family who was very supportive of him wanted something he thought was just an “Okay” photo to him.

You know…ever since picking up a camera I wondered where it would take me. I don’t mean physically but in every essence of the word. My job is to document how I see the world and it wasn’t until a mentor said, “You’re a magician behind the camera and you are showing the world how you see it” I realized it was a stye he was talking about. Creativity has taken me to some wild places and in some instances, my camera wouldn’t do it justice so I would just sit and admire the view because you’re allowed to keep some views for yourself. I love that through my love of cars and photography people have told me they have bought the vehicle or inspired them to try something new. The fact that people still ask me today for advice and listen to what I have to say blows my mind and I’m so thankful. So if you saw my Subaru out and about or just stumbled across my page somehow, if my work inspires you and you think I’m a right fit for the project, let’s get out there and make something epic!

My Services

  • From site surveying, to insurance claims on roofs, to real estate and everything else you can think of

  • This one is my favorite - rollers, static shots and whatever else we can think up.

  • From corporate head shots to use on your LinkedIn to modeling

  • From real estate to commercial real estate and even airbnb’s. I got you covered!

  • Have an idea for a video but not sure how to execute it? Run it by me and lets figure out your next project!